Public Transport in Gauteng: Order out of Chaos.

Nevhutanda, N.A.

New transport policies in South Africa place emphasis on the promotion ofpublic transport. When there are few resources available for the management of growth, the situation often leads to over -populated cities having infrastructure provisions of very low quality. This is most visible when the urban transport network of a city grinds to a halt with traffic congestion. An inefficient urban transport system that undermines the time is lost. The urban transport problem however, should not be thought of only as congestion. The problem of urban transportation however, is particularly acute in cities of developing countries like South Africa, where rapid urbanization is met with the lack of resources and the scarcity of expertise. Anaccount of different strategies and methods Gauteng province used in dealing with them is provided. Therefore, this paper explores the improvement of public transport operational performance in Gauteng Province through the development of appropriate and sustainable public transport key performance indicators and corresponding levels of service (LOS) that address basic user needs. The appropriateness of established LOS is tested in low income areas with low car ownership, where there is an obvious need for an improvement in public transport operations. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 48955 (In: C 48739 DVD) /72 / ITRD E139711

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 17 p., 43 ref.

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