Public transportation for the elderly in Sweden : technical and behavioral issues.

Stahl, A.

This paper describes how elderly people are limited in their mode choice for transportation. A study that was carried out in Sweden found that lessthan 25 percent drove a car and about 35 percent lived in car-owning households. The study also indicated that, in terms of choosing a transport mode, elderly fall into two extremes, almost equal in size: (1) persons witha car in the household and still driving; and (2) persons with no personal transport, thereby dependent on public transportation. Making public transportation more accessible to the elderly must be viewed from the perspective of the forecasted demographic growth of the eldest in Sweden. This paper focuses on several projects which the Department of Traffic Planning at the Lund Institute of Technology has undertaken.

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C 45221 (In: C 45189) /72 / ITRD E846217

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Handicapped Persons, under the auspices of Florida State University and the Loughborough University of Technology, Orlando, Florida, October 29-31, 1984, 7 p.

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