Pursuit driving for law enforcement officers. Advanced unit: training program for operation of emergency vehicles.


This document is the fourth in the Emergency Vehicle Operation (EVO) Curriculum. This EVO Curriculum Unit is designed as a practical, in-vehicle training program. To a large extent, the instructional events are based on those used in the excellent EVO course conducted at the California Highway Patrol Academy. Trainees qualified to take this unit have completed the basic program (Parts I, II, and III). It is critical that instructors be completely familiar with each unit of the basic EVO Curriculum. The contents of this document are as follows: Introduction; Administrative Considerations; Description of Unit; Instructor Preparation Activities; Trainee Knowledge and Performance Objectives; Module 1: Initial Briefing; Module 2: Demonstrations; Module 3: Skid Pan Exercises; Module 4: Oval Track; Module 5: High-Speed Performance Driving; Module 6: Code-3 Run; Appendix A: Bibliography and References; and Appendix B: Audiovisual Directory. (Author/publisher)

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1979, 63 p., 26 ref.; HS 900 036

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