Quantification of value of compaction to asphalt pavement design life.

Noureldin, A.S.

Degrees of compaction of flexible pavement layers are key quality control aspects in asphalt pavement construction. These measurable items are routinely checked during the construction process . The overall pavement performance life is significantly affected when the specified degrees of compaction are not achieved in situ . Quantification of their effect on pavement performance is essential for quality roadway construction and rational pay adjustment factors. This paper presents an approach to estimate the expected change in pavement performance life resulting from any in situ deviation in the degrees of compaction of pavement layers from the specified values . (A)

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C 13126 (In: C 13012 CD-ROM) /22 / IRRD 896993

In: Proceedings of the 13th International Road Federation IRF World Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16 to 20, 1997, p.-, 5 ref.

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