A quantitative analysis of the enveloping forces of passenger tires.

Lippmann, S.A. & J.D. Nanny.

The forces generated by tires when travelling over irregular roads are related to the structure of the tire and to the geometry of the road surface in a useful mathematical relationship. Linearity and superposition principles all and idealized and synthetic road irregularity to represent the response of a tire to realistic kinds of road irregularities. The association of the enveloping forces with factors related to the structure of tires facilities the understanding of the enveloping responses. The analysis of the forces for the idealized road irregularity, coupled with the Fourier integral analysis of road surfaces, produces the spectrum of outputs for exciting modes of vibration in the tire itself and in vehicles.

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A 3550 (In: A 3520)

In: Highway vehicle safety : collected SAE papers 1961/1967, SAE paper 674174, 11 p.

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