Queensland’s anti-hoon legislation and policing methods used to prevent hooning behaviour.

Folkman, L.M.

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) has developed a range of strategies and enforcement programs to target individuals and groups who persist in driving vehicles in a manner that creates unnecessary risk to other road users. This paper will provide an overview of the provisions of Queensland’s Anti-Hoon Legislation introduced in November 2002, and a statistical summary of the extent and severity of the hooning problem in Queensland. The effectiveness of the Traffic Response Group (TRG) or ‘hoon squad’ in targeting anti-social driving behaviour will also be outlined. and an overview of the objectives and outcomes of ‘Operation DRAG’ and other similar problem-oriented policing methods used to prevent street racing in Queensland will be presented. The effectiveness of TRACS in monitoring anti-social driving behaviour, otherwise known as ‘hooning’ will be outlined. This will enable delegates to examine the suitability of Queensland’s response to hoon-related driving behaviour for application in their own jurisdiction. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214057. Printed volume contains peer-reviewed papers. CD-ROM contains submitted papers.

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C 38047 (In: C 38022 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E213969

In: Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference 2005, Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 November 2005, [Cd-rom] 14 p.

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