Raamwerk projectanalyse openbaar vervoer infrastructuurprojecten.

Gommers, M. & Glasbergen, C.

The aim of this study was to make consistent analyses of the public transport infrastructure projects in the future. The framework is developed for great infrastructural urban and regional public transport projects, but can also be used in other public transport projects. Within the framework definitions are given and the relationships are clarified for the definition of the project, and the estimation of investsments, of traffic and transport, of operating and exploitation.

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C 6033 (In: C 6025) /10 /72 / IRRD 884101

In: Openbaar Vervoer Colloquium 1995 : commercialisering : bundeling van bijdragen van het colloquium gehouden te Utrecht op 16 juni 1995, p. 93-102

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