Racing and touring bicycles: opportunities for greater safety; Questionnaire study and expert assessment. Racing and touring cyclists often practise their sport on public roads in the presence of other road users. For this reason, hazardous situations may occur that increasingly result in crashes involving injuries. In 2012, 4,200 racing and touring cyclists had to be treated for injuries at first aid departments. It is not altogether clear to what extent the behaviour of racing and touring cyclists plays a role. Secondly, little is known of measures to prevent this kind of hazardous situation. Therefore, SWOV explored possible solutions. This study analysed data of a questionnaire study carried out among (mainly male) racing and touring cyclists, and stakeholders from among the racing and touring cycling sport, (road) behaviour and (cycling) infrastructure were consulted during and expert session. The possible solutions are merely a first step as a result of the research method - consensus reached after consulting a wide-ranging group of stakeholders. For as yet, scientific testing of possible positive results in road safety and an actual evaluation of these results after implementation of measures still have to be carried out. Three recommendations have been presented: 1. Safeguarding the quality of the cycling infrastructure. 2. Explore possibilities for having large groups of racing and touring cyclists cycle on the road. 3. Promoting understanding between racing and touring cyclists and other road users. The recommendations are first of all meant for stakeholders of regional and national road safety policy. It is their responsibility to facilitate collaboration between parties that can develop the opportunities mentioned, such as road managers in the context of the Road Safety Policy Impulse and the cycling unions who can organize training and courses for their members.
Race- en toerfietsen op de openbare weg : mogelijkheden om de verkeersveiligheid te verbeteren.
C 51692 [electronic version only]
Den Haag, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2014, 11 p.; R-2014-20
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