On radar in automobile applications.

Kjellgren, J. & Ödman, S.

This report is a short prestudy of possible applications of radar in automobiles. It is a literature study where a few representative papers have been chosen and more carefully considered. Until now (February 1987) the only application carried out experimentally is that of obstacle warning and emergency braking. A modified approach is proposed in this application, using the concepts of proportional navigation. It is concluded that radar vision ("radar camera") corresponding to the perspective image of the human eye has more prospect for future application. (Author/publisher)

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C 22723 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 808144

Linköping, National Defence Research Institute (FOA), 1987, 12 p., 4 ref.; FOA report C 30446-3.2 - ISSN 0347-3708

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