On rating of gravel roads. Doctor thesis at the Division of Highway Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Alzubaidi, H.

A method for estimating the condition of gravel roads forms an important part of a management systems which is intended to lead to effective maintenance activities. The Sweish National Road Administration makes use of a method abbreviated VVMB 106 for rating gravel roads. The method considers roughness, loose gravel and dust. Roughness is rated as a single variable, including potholes, crossfall, corrugations and rutting. On the other hand, loose gravel and dust are rated separately and then combined as a single variable termed "binding ability". Representative 100 m long sections of the gravel road network are randomly selected for the actual meaurement of distresses. The condition of each 100 m. section is rated as class 1 (good), class 2 (acceptable), or class 3 (poor). The condition is considered satisfactory if the section belongs to class 1 or class 2 regarding roughness and binding ability; otherwise, it is judged unsatisfactory. The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyse VVMB 106 in order to determine its weakness and thereby develop a new and improved method. The thesis is based on a four-year research project and consists of five papers and appendixes. (Author/publisher)

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C 24860 S CD-ROM /23 /60 /

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 2002, CD-ROM, 42 ref.; VTI Särtryck ; No. 346 - ISSN 1102-626X

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