R&D on DSRC platform - R&D on sub-platform for low-resource OBE.

Chiku, Y. Honda, M. & Yanagiuchi, Y.

In order to solve different sorts of road traffic problems, using high data communication technology, the research and development of ITS is making progress. In Japan, the experimental application of the ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) has started. The ETC system employs DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication), whose further enhancement and application are expected in the future. To spread widely and promote ITS services that employ DSRC, this paper reports the results obtained in the research and development of the DSRC platform, which stands between the DSRC and the application, and above all, those obtained in the research and development of the sub-platform for low-resource on-board equipment (OBE). For the covering abstract see ITRD E114174.

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C 24644 (In: C 22454 CD-ROM) /72 /73 / ITRD E115879

In: From vision to reality : proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Turin, Italy, 6-9 November 2000, 8 p., 2 ref.

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