Re-Evaluation des Alkoholverbots für Fahranfängerinnen und Fahranfänger. [Re-evaluation of the zero tolerance law for novice drivers.] Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 4317001 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt.

Evers, C. & Straßgütl, L.

The effectiveness of the zero tolerance law for novice drivers, which has been in force since 01/08/2007, was evaluated for the first time shortly after its introduction. The results showed a significant decrease of alcohol-related accidents and alcohol-related traffic offences as well as a high acceptance of the law in the target group of novice drivers. The present re-evaluation sought to investigate the long-term effects of the zero tolerance law to assess whether the law – besides a direct impact of reducing DUI of novice drivers – had a socialising effect to such degree that novice drivers who are accustomed to separate drinking and driving maintain this behaviour in their further driving career even though they are not subject to the zero tolerance law anymore. For this purpose, long-term effects on alcohol-related accidents and alcohol-related traffic offences were analysed using data of the official road accident statistics and the Register of Driver Fitness. Additionally, a representative survey was conducted to determine knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions towards the zero tolerance law. According to the analysis of the accident data, (former) novice drivers of the first cohort affected by the zero tolerance law were also in the long-term less frequently involved in alcohol-related accidents than comparison groups. Thus, alcohol-related accidents did not only decrease during the period drivers were subject to the regulation, but they also developed better than comparison groups afterwards. Furthermore, the share of DUI has decreased significantly more in the group of novice drivers than in the group of experienced drivers during the past eleven years since the introduction of the law. This result was confirmed by the analysis of alcohol-related traffic offences: The number of offences for novice drivers declined disproportionately compared to older and more experienced drivers in the considered period. Acceptance of the zero tolerance law was very high in the group of novice drivers and even increased compared to the first evaluation. For former novice drivers who belonged to the first cohort subject to the zero tolerance law, the acceptance rate was even higher than in the evaluation in 2010 indicatingthat the zero tolerance law is still deemed to be important in the long term also by those who are not affected by this regulation anymore. Compared to the first evaluation, alcohol consumption and car driving both appeared to be less important for the present novice drivers than it was in 2008. The same held true for the respondents belonging to the first cohort of drivers under the zero tolerance law who are now experienced drivers. These two developments seem to display long-term societal trends that might support effectiveness and acceptance of the zero tolerance law for novice drivers. Conclusively, the results of the present re-evaluation proved a lasting effectiveness of the zero tolerance law for novice drivers. The positive development of alcohol-related accidents and alcohol-related traffic offences as well as further increased acceptance provided clear evidence that the zero tolerance law for novice drivers contributed to traffic safety in a long-term perspective. The law had effects not only on the primary „target group“ of novice drivers, but also on drivers in the subsequent years when the law does not apply to them anymore. Therefore, acceptance and compliance to this effective measure should be kept up and riskiness and non-tolerance of DUI should be further addressed in driver training, road safety education and awareness and information campaigns. (Author/publisher)


20210004 ST [electronic version only]

Bergisch Gladbach, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 2020, 55 p., ref.; Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen : Mensch und Sicherheit ; Heft M 305 - ISSN 0943-9315 / ISBN 978-3-95606-547-7

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