Reaching a consensus : using the Delphi method to assess expert opinion on countermeasures against unlicensed driving.

Knox, D.J. & Turner, B.M.

The research reported here describes a Delphi survey and workshop of ‘experts and administrators’ completed as a final strand of a project to complete research into unlicensed driving, commissioned by the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR). The overall objectives of the research as required by the terms of reference are as follows: (a) estimate the extent of unlicensed driving, ie the proportion of drivers who drive unlicensed, the frequency and circumstance of unlicensed driving and the miles driven; (b) consider the road safety implications of unlicensed driving with reference to crash reports and self-reported accident involvement; (c) determine the characteristics of unlicensed drivers; (d) identify the motivations for unlicensed driving and the beliefs and attitudes associated with the behaviour, including consideration of possible consequences and the effectiveness of existing and possible deterrents; and (e) make recommendations for countermeasures. The objectives (a) to (d) have been researched as part of other strands of the project, and are reported elsewhere. The final objective (e) is that which the Delphi survey and subsequent workshop were designed to address. In addition, focus groups of potential perpetrators of unlicensed driving (also reported elsewhere) have been completed to investigate the potential of various countermeasures in the view of those who may currently drive or have previously driven unlicensed. Some results from these focus groups were used as input to the Delphi workshop. (Author/publisher) For the covering abstract see ITRD E116881.

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C 25404 (In: C 25393 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E116892

In: Behavioural research in road safety XII : proceedings of the 12th seminar on behavioural research in road safety, 2002, p. 102-111, 2 ref.

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