Reaction times as an index of visual conspicuity when driving at night.

Plainis, S. & Murray, I.J.

Conspicuity refers to the visibility of objects that are either close to threshold or viewed in a cluttered environment. Conventional, threshold-based tests of vision are unlikely to be related to target visibility, because visual systems behave differently under supra-threshold and close-to-threshold conditions, or when low luminance levels are used. In these experiments, Reaction Times (RTs) are tested under a wide range of contrasts, luminances and spatial frequencies commonly encountered in the real world. We show that RTs are closely related to sensitivity and can therefore provide a method of measuring supra-threshold visual performance. The data are interpreted in terms of visual performance when driving, where a reduction in target visibility leads to increases in processing time. (Author/publisher)

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C 24969 [electronic version only]

Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics: the Journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists), Vol. 22 (2002), No. 5 (September), p. 409-415, 39 ref.

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