Reanalysis of travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement in Adelaide South Australia.

Kloeden, C.N. McLean, A.J. & Glonek, G.

Modified logistic regression modelling was used to reanalyse free travelling speed case control data in an urban 60 km/h speed limit environment. An exponentiated second order polynomial function was used to model the relative risk of being involved in a casualty crash based on free travelling speed. The relative risk was found to approximately double for each 5 km/h increase in free travelling speed. This curve and the original data were then used to estimate the effects of various hypothetical speed reduction scenarios. Illegal speeding was found to be a major factor in casualty crashes and it was found that even very small reductions in the speeds of vehicles in general could be expected to result in a major reduction in the frequency of casualty crashes in an urban area. (Author/publisher)

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C 25734 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E206299

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2002, IV + 32 p., 3 ref.; Report No. CR 207 - ISSN 1445-4467 / ISBN 0-642-25586-5

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