Reckless driving and gender : an examination of a terror management theory explanation.

Taubman-Ben-Ari, O. & Findler, L.

A study, based on Terror Management Theory, examined the effects of mortality salience on young men's and women's behavioural intentions to drive recklessly. Participants (N = 206) reported on the relevance of driving to their self-esteem. Half of them were exposed to a mortality salience induction and the remaining to a control condition. Then they were asked about their willingness to drive recklessly in various scenarios. Findings showed that mortality salience led to higher intentions to drive recklessly than the control condition only among men who perceived driving as relevant to their self-esteem. No such differences were found among women. Results are discussed in light of the self-enhancing and cultural-world views-validating mechanisms proposed by the Terror Management Theory. (Author/publisher)

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C 26456 [electronic version only]

Death Studies, Vol. 27 (2003), No. 7 (August-September), p. 603-618, 47 ref.

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