Recommendations for improvement of the injury situation for the users of two-wheel vehicles.

Otte.D. Appel, H & Suren, E.G.

The analysis of the detailed injury pattern for 508 users of motorized two-wheelers, and 403 cyclists, with a total of 3500 injuries, from investigations at the site of accidents, established the regions exposed to high injury frequency. With regard to the causes responsible for these injuries the practicability of sensible safety measures is illustrated.

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B 25137 (In: B 25121 /84/91/ IRRD 293944

In: Proceedings of the 1986 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Zürich Switzerland, 2-4 September 1986, p. 221-236, 2 fig., 8 tab., 23 ref.

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