Recommended safety measures for application on urban roads in the short term

report of the Working Party 4 `infrastructure' to the High Level Group of Representatives of the Member States on Road Safety and to the Directorate-General for Transport of the European Commission.
Slop, M. & Catshoek, J.W.D.

This report recommends ten road safety countermeasures for application on non-motorway interurban roads in Europe in the short term. The selection was mainly based on the answers to a questionnaire that were given by the Member States of the European Union. A distinction is made between countermeasures on three levels. These levels are: (1) analyses; (2) traffic engineering; and (3) traffic operation. On the analysing level, the following countermeasures are recommended: (a) road, traffic and accident data collection; (b) road safety inspection; (c) black spot analysis and treatment; and (d) road safety impact assessment (RIA). On the traffic engineering level, the recommended countermeasures are as followed: (i) traffic calming on thoroughfares through small towns and villages; (ii) building roundabouts instead of intersections; (iii) safety barriers at hazardous locations; and (iv) restricting the possibility of overtaking. On the traffic operational level, the following countermeasures are recommended: (1) consistency in the signing and marking of bends; and (2) alternative routing of slow traffic. As far as possible, some rough indication is given of the cost-effectiveness of the countermeasures.


C 3720 [electronic version only] /21 /73 /81 /82 /85 / IRRD 874819

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1995, 28 p.; R-95-18


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