Reconvictions of drink/drive course attenders : a six year follow up. Prepared for Road Safety Division, Department for Transport.

Davies, G.P. & Smith, L.R.

This report examines reconvictions of a sample of offenders convicted of a drink/drive offence at a number of `designated' Courts between 1993 and July 1996. In the designated Courts it was in the remit of the Magistrate to offer a rehabilitation course to an offender, and if the course was successfully completed the period of disqualification would be reduced by up to a quarter. Data on reconvictions of course and non-course attenders are now available for at least six years for over 80 per cent of the sample. By six years over 99 per cent of the offenders should have their licence returned, and most will have been driving legally for at least a year. After six years just under two and a half times more non-course attenders than course attenders had committed a further drink/drive offence (17.9 per cent of non-course attenders compared with 7.6 per cent of course attenders). (Author/publisher)


C 26395 [electronic version only] /83 /10 / ITRD E117606

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2003, IV + 18 p., 9 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 574 - ISSN 0968-4107

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