Recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder in children following road traffic accidents : the role of talking and feeling understood.

Stallard, P. Velleman, R. & Baldwin, S.

Forty children were assessed 6 weeks and 8 months after involvement in a road traffic accident (RTA). Ten of the 21 children suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at 6 weeks continued to fulfil diagnostic criteria at 8 months. There was no evidence of delayed onset of PTSD in children who had not developed this condition at 6 weeks. Talking about the accident and feeling understood were associated with recovery. Providing children with opportunities to talk about their accident may be helpful in preventing or reducing psychological distress. (A)

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20010929 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 11 (2001), No. 1 (January/February), p. 37-41, 18 ref.

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