Reducing pain and disability for whiplash victims : a double-blind randomised controlled trial.

Ryan, J.M.

The object of this research was to compare the strength and endurance versions of progressive resistance exercise for patients with neck pain. In the Australian Capital Territory the most frequent accident type is the rear end collision which constitutes around 46 percent of all crashes. Three percent of people involved in rear end collisions are injured. Up to 84 percent of victims of rear end collision who are hospitalised report acute neck pain, of whom 10 percent progress to chronic pain. Therefore, it is important to ascertain which treatment is most effective for reducing the pain and functional limitations. In March 1996 the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and the NRMA Road Safety Trust jointly funded a randomised controlled trial to compared therapeutic exercise for chronic neck pain. The trial was conducted in the ACT and is now complete. 103 patients with chronic neck pain were randomised to either strength or endurance training. Primary outcomes were pain and functional limitations. Secondary outcomes were muscular strength and endurance and range of movement. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E209619. This paper may also be accessed by Internet users at:

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C 27848 (In: C 27817 CD-ROM) /83 /84 / ITRD E209650

In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2002, Adelaide, Australia, 4-5 November 2002, Vol. 1, p. 219-227, 20 ref.

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