Reducing sediment runoff from unsealed roads.

McRobert, J. & Kemp, A.

The Unsealed Roads Stormwater Project has been investigating practical ways to control stormwater pollutants from unsealed roads. With funding by EPA Victoria as part of the Victorian Stormwater Action Program, the municipalities of Cardinia, Casey and Mornington Peninsula initiated the project in an effort to protect stormwater quality in the Westernport catchment. The research project aimed to compare the effectiveness of various road maintenance techniques in minimising sediment runoff from an unsealed pavement, particularly the interaction between the road profile, gravel quality and quantity , and surface treatment and their effects on sediment production and delivery rates. Research input to the project was provided by the three councils, ARRB Transport Research and University of Western Sydney. The Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology at Monash University also had input to the experimental design and results analysis for the project. (a).

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I E211753 /15 /26 / ITRD E211753

Road and Transport Research. 2004 /09. 13(3) Pp63-9

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