Reducing truck and bus losses : neglected countermeasures. Paper presented at the Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Michigan, January,11-15, 1971.

Haddon Jr., W.

There is no reason why priorities for reducing losses involving trucks and buses must parallel the rank of causes. Moreover, a mix of countermeasures is necessary. Among the neglected issues, drivers' alcohol use in light-truck operation needs attention. Present braking ability of trucks is inadequate, guaranteeing collisions in emergencies in dense traffic streams. All vehicles including heavy trucks under full load must have the same braking ability. Cargoes must not spill at full-speed impacts, guard rails must be designed to work with trucks, and buses must package passengers safely to the great extent scientifically known to be possible

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A 6635 fo IRRD 61872

Society of Automotive Engineering, 1971, 8 p.; SAE Publication No. 710409

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