Reforms in the public transport : a systems approach.

Kharola, P.S.

The public transport systems in India in general have not been able to meet the expectations of the common man. One of the main reasons for this has been the inadequate attention this crucial sector has been receiving from the policy planners. A host of factors external and internal have been responsible for bringing the public transport systems to their present state of affairs. Presented in this paper is an analysis of the reasons for this malady and the ways to rectify it. The paper also analyses the reforms carried out in the context of the public transport system in Bangalore, which has undergone a total restructuring resulting in a public utility transforming itself from a huge loss making entity to the only one making profits in the country or perhaps the World. It has been established that a systems approach is very essential to reap the maximum benefits of reforms. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116619.

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C 25696 (In: C 25667) /10 /70 /72 / ITRD E116648

In: Urban mobility for all : proceedings of the 10th international CODATU conference, held in Lomé, Togo, 12-15 November 2002, p. 287-293

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