Regionaal werkplan verkeersveiligheid Zeeland 2002.

Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zeeland ROVZ

This regional working plan for road safety in the Dutch province of Zeeland contains an overview of concrete activities for 2002. This is the first working plan based on the long-term road safety policy plan (MPV) for the period 2001-2003. The working plan is published by the Zeeland Provincial Road Safety Board (ROVZ). The agreement made in Zeeland, that the Provincial Traffic and Transport Board (POVV) is mainly responsible for infrastructure and ROVZ is mainly responsible for influencing behaviour, is maintained. The concrete activities are listed per theme, and the following themes are distinguished: sustainably-safe traffic, permanent traffic education, traffic enforcement, and communication and publicity. Attention is also paid to policy coordination, process steering,and organisation concerning ROVZ. The appendices include information, for instance, on the budgets of the different working groups.

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C 24366

Middelburg, Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zeeland ROVZ, 2002, 26 p.

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