Registratie van verkeersgewonden in het privé-ongevallen registratiesysteem PORS : resultaten van een proef.

Blokpoel, A.

Because of the incompleteness of the national numbers of the Dutch Department of Registration of Traffic Accidents (VOR) it is tried to get more and better data about traffic accidents then available in the VOR system. Such an attempt is reported here. It concerns a test during which a number of data of traffic victims, who were attended to the emergency wards of two hospitals, are recorded as an extension of an already existing registration of victims of private accidents (PORS). The test has been carried out to investigate whether it is possible to make that extension of the existing PORS system without affecting the reliability and validity of the PORS data. The advantages and disadvantages of the PORS and VOR system are compared with each other.


C 52 [electronic version only] /81.1 / IRRD 844707

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1990, 64 p., 8 ref.; R-90-53


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