Regression analysis to predict the number of road fatalities in Saudi Arabia.

Al-Akhdar Alkaim, A.

This paper describes a study of the rate of road accident fatalities for a period of 19 years (1971-1989) in Saudi Arabia and the development of a model linking number of fatalities, number of vehicles and population size. Accident data are presented and two mathematical models developed. Comparisons with other countries showed lower vehicle ownership levels in Saudi Arabia but higher fatalities. It is found that vehicle ownership increased at a faster rate than in most developed countries and this led to an increase in accidents. Suggestions are made for reducing accidents including improvements to signs, better education and stricter enforcement of driving laws.

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C 1485 (In: C 1480) /81 / IRRD 856306

In: Proceedings of the international part of the International symposium road traffic accidents, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 9-12, 1992, p. 45-53, 9 ref.

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