Regulating CO2 emissions of transportation in Europe: A CGE-analysis using market-based instruments.

Abrell, J.

This paper analyzes the use of market-based emission regulation instruments to address the carbon dioxide emissions of transportation. Simulations with a static multi-region computable general equilibrium model show that including transportation into the European emission trading system is superior to a closed emission trading system for transportation or a tax-based approach. Furthermore, we show that exempting transportation from emission regulation is the most favorable approach in terms of welfare. This counterintuitive result is due to a large tax-interaction effect caused by high pre-existing fuel taxes in the transport sector. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E145918 /15 / ITRD E145918

Transportation Research Part D. 2010 /06. 15(4) Pp235-239 (18 Refs.)

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