Regulating transportation in new nonattainment areas under the 8-hour ozone standard.

Makler, J. & Howitt, A.M.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promulgated a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ground-level ozone in July 1997, beginning a process that (after some litigation-induced delays) will soon lead to the designation of new nonattainment areas that will be subject to the transportation conformity regulations. The history of the 8-h ozone standard is reviewed, the process of designating the boundaries of new nonattainment areas is described, and the types and geographic locations of the new nonattainment areas are suggested. Drawing on previous research, the institutional challenges that will face the new and expanded nonattainment areas are explored. The experiences of Georgia, North Carolina, and Oklahoma in preparing for implementation of the new standard are presented. Finally, several recommendations for transportation agencies involved in implementing the new standards are given.

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C 33004 (In: C 32999 S [electronic version only]) /15 /10 / ITRD E828237

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1842) pp39-46 (1 Fig., 11 Ref.)

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