Reizen van deur tot deur in 2050. Deel 1: Kansrijke concepten voor personenvervoer bij collectief gebruik van het hoofdwegennet : hoofdrapport. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Egeter, B. Hartman, J. Schrijver, J. & Schie, Cees van

Suppose that in 2050 the main road network will only be open to collective means of passenger transport. What transport concepts should be then developed to accommodate door-to-door traveling efficiently ? To answer this preposition, two central notions of this study have been defined : passenger transport is considered as collective, when persons with different origins and destinations are travelling within the same vehicle, and/or when driving tasks on network level (route choice) are left to a collective operation system ; a transport concept is a way to travel from origin to destination and mostly consists of a chain of transport systems on a trip. A number of social and environmental factors concerning multi modal passenger transport were determined using the precondition that passengers themselves would experience high quality in travelling. This apparent contradiction is clearly presented there were different transport systems connect. In this report this is called 'switching'. Switching locations play an important role in this study. Providing a transport chain without thresholds requires four different types of switching locations. They discriminate on spatial level, size and the distance to one and another. From an enormous amount of possible means of transport a break down to promising means of transport was achieved, step by step, while consulting experts. This process of reduction eventually resulted in six promising transport concepts that are expected to be able to meet the major part of the demand in passenger transport in 2050 : the 'car', individually operated on the first and last part of the trip, collectively operated on the main part of the trip ; the 'neighbourhood-call-a-car', cars in collective property that are available at small 'switching locations' in the residential areas (the access is mainly on foot) ; the 'intercity-call-a-car', the same cars, in this case available at large 'switching locations' at the edge of the city (access is mainly by urban vehicle : a kind of advanced bicycle) ; the 'interliner', collective transport between the cities with road vehicles by the main road network, with access points in the city centre and at large 'switching locations' at the end of the city (access is by urban vehicle or by collective urban transport, either scheduled or demand-responsive). (A)

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20001412 a ST [electronic version only]

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV / Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, 1998, VIII + 56 p., 60 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro/VVG 1998-18 / 98/NV/283

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