The relation of side slope design to highway safety. Final report on task order No. 2/1.

Weaver, G.D. Marquis, E.L. & Luedecke, A.R.

The objective of this research was 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Highway Vehicle Object Simulation Model (HVOSM) in predicting vehicle response during traversal of roadside slopes and ditches and 2) to recommend maximum slope criteria based on best judgment of the test data evaluation.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 3458 /21/26/82.1/

Texas, Texas A&M University, 1972, XXI + 66 p., + app., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Report No. 626 A- 1.

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