The relationship between face or skull fractures and cervical spine and spinal cord injuries: A review of 13.834 patients.

Oller, D.W. Meredith, J.W. Rutledge, R.

A state trauma registry database containing 13,384 patients was evaluated to determine the relationship among 1,062 skull fractures, 1,329 facial fractures, 339 cervical spine injuries, and 299 spinal cord injuries. Odds ratios calculated demonstrated that patients with skull and /or facial fractures did not have a higher likelihood of cervical spine or spinal cord injury as has been suggested.

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B 30672 (In: B 30651 S) /84 / IRRD 834918

In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 1- 3, 1990, p.315- 328, 11 ref.

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