Relationship between road and railway noise annoyance and overall indoor sound exposure.

Torija, A.J. Ruiz, D.P. De-Coensel, B. Botteldooren, D. Berglund, B. & Ramos-Ridao, A.

Using data from a realistic experiment conducted using recorded traffic sounds, the relationship between indicators of magnitude, spectrum, and temporal evolution of the sonic environment and the reported annoyance are analyzed. The exposure is characterized by the binaurally recorded overall indoor sound. It is found that a series of parameters derived from multiple linear models related to the temporal and spectral structure of the sound pressure level produces better models than the overall indoor A-weighted equivalent noise level. The descriptors thus complement this indicator, at least when exposure is based on overall indoor sound. Principle components amongst the exposure indicators studied relate to the detectability of the sound indoors and to the typical temporal difference between road and rail traffic. Linear models based on these indicators also outperform models based on source related fa_ade. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E158079 /15 / ITRD E158079

Transportation Research Part D. 2011 /01. 16(1) Pp15-22 (15 Refs.)

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