The relative motion concept of brain injury.

McLean, A.J. Blumbergs, P.C. Kloeden, C.N.

Relative motion between the brain and the cranial cavity has been postulated as a cause of injury to the brain and of rupture of the bridging veins. The shape of the cranial cavity is recorded by preparing a cast at autopsy. This information is then compared with the results of a neuropathological examination of the brain and with information on the impact to the head derived from investigation of the accident.

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B 30613 (In: B 30601) /84 / IRRD 834458

In: Proceedings of the 1990 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Bron-Lyon, France, September 12-13-14, 1990, p. 181-189, 9 ref.

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