Report on the review of road traffic penalties.

Department for Transport

Following the launch of the Government’s Road Safety Strategy, “Tomorrow’s Roads - Safer for Everyone” in March 2000, the Home Office together with the Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions (now the Department for Transport) and the Lord Chancellor's Department undertook a review of road traffic penalties. The purpose of this review was to consider whether the current penalties remain appropriate and to ensure that any changes to penalties would be consistent with the whole sentencing framework. A consultation paper was issued in December 2000 and responses have since been received and analysed. This report gives the findings of that consultation exercise and the conclusions that the Government has drawn. It sets out the Government’s recommendations for policy on road traffic penalties. (Author/publisher)

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C 24863 [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport DfT / Home Office, 2002, 12 p.

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