Report on the risk assessment of 1-benzylpiperazine BZP in the framework of the Council decision on new psychoactive substances.

Sedefov, R.

This publication presents the findings of the formal risk assessment on BZP, produced in 2007 by the Scientific Committee of the EMCDDA, with participation of additional experts from the European Commission, Europol and the EMEA. The risk assessment report, which was submitted to the European Commission and the Council of the European Union on 31 May 2007, examines the health and social risks of the drug, as well as information on international trafficking and the involvement of organised crime. Furthermore, the report considers the potential implications for placing the drug under control in the EU. On the basis of this report — and on the initiative of the European Commission — on 3 March 2008, the Council decided that BZP is to be subject to control measures. (Author/publisher)

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20090361 ST [electronic version only]

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Eur-OP, 2009, 91 p., ref.; EMCDDA Risk Assessments ; No 8 - ISSN 1606-1683 / ISBN 978-92-9168-345-1

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