Report of the technical committee on flexible pavements.


This document is divided into two parts - the first part contains the report of the technical committee on flexible pavements. The report refers to the problem of pavement design and the evaluation of pavement behaviour. The report also contains an evaluation of the third international conference on the design of flexible pavements (London 1972) and two communications: "quality of fillers" and "the placing of bituminous mixtures". The second part contains the report of the sub-committee on bituminous binders. This report deals with general themes such as "categories of bitumens" and "influence of binders on the quality of mixtures" and other more specific points such as adhesion, additives, "paraffin mixtures", ageing of bitumens. An account of the work of the committee during the congress at Prague may be found in "revue generale des routes et des aerodromes", no 519, april 1976, p 75-79. For the covering abstract, see IRRD abstract no 104484.

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C 51440 (In: B 12397 [electronic version only]) /20 / IRRD 104490

In: Proceedings of the 15th World Road Congress, Mexico, 1975, 266 p.

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