Report of the technical committee on highway tunnels.


The present report deals with a limited number of questions, which were judged to be either the most important or of the most current interest, amongst those which face tunnel designers. These questions, numbering six, concern: firstly, the geometric characteristics of tunnels; the three following concern problems relating to fitting out highway tunnels (pollution, ventilation, lighting); the fifth deals with the operation of tunnels; the sixth with underground town planning. The "revue generales des routes" april 1976, no 519, pp 56-59, contains an article which describes in turn: the introductory report of the president and the report of each working party. For the covering abstract see IRRD abstract no 104484.

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C 51437 (In: B 12397 [electronic version only]) /25 / IRRD 104487

In: Proceedings of the 15th World Road Congress, Mexico, 1975, 111 p.

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