Report of the Technical Committee on interurban roads : XIXth world road congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, Marrakesh 22-28 September 1991.


For this Congress, the Committee presented the findings of their studies: (1) environment and management of roads, (2) typology of interurban roads. These two topics are based upon a survey of practices within the countries represented on the Technical Committee. The results of the survey were analysed and discussed at seven meetings of the Technical Committee. The reports on each topic have been prepared by the following members of the Committee: -- the report on environment and management of roads was written by Messrs. Gabriel (Austria), Van Dessel (Belgium), and Collard (Belgium); -- the report on the typology of interurban roads has been prepared by Mr. Deterne (France). Report is published in English and French. For the abstracts of the papers presented see C 25161 - C 25162 (IRRD 127755 - 127756).

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C 25160 [electronic version only] / /21 /

Paris, Association Internationale Permanente des Congres de la Route AIPCR / Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, 1991, 80 p., 9 ref.; 19.04.B

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