Report of the Technical Committee on roads in urban areas : XIXth world road congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, Marrakesh 22-28 September 1991.


This Committee has prepared papers on six topics. These papers have been published outside the Congress and are available through PIARC. In this publication, summaries of the papers are included in chapter form. The topics covered are the following: (1) Reduction of Car Traffic in City Centres, (2) The Urban Road Network Design, (3) Traffic Control, Tolls and Road Information - State of the Art, (4) Noise and Air Pollution, (5) Through Traffic in Small Towns, and (6) Road Design and Traffic operations - Guidelines to Aid the Older Motorist. For the abstracts of these papers see C 25139 - C 25144 (IRRD 127736 - 127741). French abstract: Ce rapport concerne les travaux du comite depuis le Congres de Bruxelles en 1987 en vue du congres de Marrakech. Il comprend des rapports sur six sujets qui ont ete publies en dehors du Congres et figurent dans ce document sous forme de resume : Reduction de la circulation automobile en centre ville (AIPCR 10.01.B) - Conception des reseaux de voiries urbaines (10.04.B) - Regulation de la circulation, peage, information routiere : etat de l' art (10.02.B) - Bruit et pollution atmospherique (10.05.B) - Circulation de transit dans les petites agglomerations (04.03.B) - Recommandations pour les projets routiers et la gestion de la circulation en vue d' aider les automobilistes ages (10.03.B). (Voir fiche generale du congres 127723 et fiches des themes de ce rapport 127736 a 127741).

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C 25138 [electronic version only] /73 /83 /93 / IRRD 127735

Paris, Association Internationale Permanente des Congres de la Route AIPCR / Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, 1991, 88 p.; 19.10.B

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