Report into the use of Geographic Information System GIS software for the capture of traffic crash location data.

Young, P.

A pilot project utilising PC-based GIS software for the capture of traffic crash location data was undertaken. This involved design, development and full testing of the application. A further major component of the project involved graphics data (map) acquisition and verification. Results of the GIS based process, when compared with the existing text entry method, identified significant benefits in terms of both integrity of data captured and efficiency of the coding process. Additional benefits of the GIS system, including the integration of CAD images for more precise determination and plotting (output) of intersection crashes were also investigated. The report includes recommendations for the further development and utilisation of a GIS based crash location data acquisition system.

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C 2145 [electronic version only] /82 / IRRD 843021

Rosebery, NSW, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales RTA, Road Safety Bureau RSB, 1992, 13 p.; Research Note ; RN 1/92 / RTA 92.117 - ISSN 1035-5855 / ISBN 0-7305-6313-8

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