Reporting of road traffic accidents in London : matching police STATS19 data with hospital accident and emergency department data. Prepared for Transport for London, London Accident Analysis Unit (LAAU).

Ward, H. Robertson, S. Lester, T. & Pedler, A.

The objective of the project is to estimate the level of reporting to the Police of accidents in London in order to provide: • Better understanding of the extent of the accident and casualty problem. • Better and more robust information on the reporting of the severity of injuries. • A base-line against which the effect of policy initiatives can be properly assessed, given that the level of reporting might be influenced and change over time. Such initiatives might include publicity campaigns, road safety engineering programmes, and congestion charging; and • To engender better working relationships and co-operation with Health Authorities and Hospitals. (Author/publisher)


C 39538 [electronic version only]

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2002, 62 p., 7 ref.; Project Report ; No. PR/T/069/2002

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