Représentation des manoeuvres applicables à quatre situations d'urgence simulées en laboratoire.

Malaterre, G. & Peytavin, J.F.

This research, which was conducted in the laboratory using films and slides, was aimed at making an inventory of the notions that drivers have of the appropriate emergency manoeuvres to carry out in four simulated situations of conflicts at intersections, involving three different distances from the obstacle.

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B 25591 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 119918

Arcueil, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1987, 49 p., 6 fig., 18 tab., 12 ref.; Rapport INRETS ; No. 24 - ISSN 0768-9756 / ISBN 2-85782-167-0

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