Requirements for occupant restraint use in the U.S. with emphasis on schools and child care providers.

Treat, J.R. & Ruschmann, P.A.

It appears feasible from both a legal and political standpoint to impose requirements to ensure the use of available restraints on schools, day care centers, camps, and other child care providers that are also engaged in providing transportation. Nevertheless, present state and federal belt use requirements for these providers are minimal. Suggestions are provided for implementing use requirements through licensing, regulatory, and funding agencies, as well as through organizations and associations that represent these groups.

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B 18940 (In: B 18906 [electronic version only]) /91/ IRRD 256335

In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine AAAM, Rochester, New York, October 7-9, 1980, p. 396-409, 25 ref.

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