Research agenda on `Integration of transport and land use planning' : the Transland project.

Verroen, E.J. Martens, M.J. & Lange, M.A. de

This report outlines a research agenda in the field of integrated land use and transport planning. The report has been written in the framework of the European Union (EU) Transland research project. In the Transland project, the quest for high priority research themes has yielded a whole range of interesting land use transport research topics, varying from very fundamental to very practical issues, both in the field of the planning questions (what) and the implementation questions (how). The aim has been to guide future research efforts, to demarcate research themes, and to indicate promising research leads. Consequently, the descriptions contain choices while at the same time they are kept fairly general. The themes have been described using a fixed format with the following content: theme description; problems; objectives; research method; possible role for the European Commission (EC); and expected results. A first attempt to prioritise these topics is carried out, resulting in a list of 16 research themes which tend to be suitable to be addressed in EC research programmes. (A)

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C 16144 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / ITRD E203688

Delft, TNO Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development INRO, Department of Transport, 2000, VI + 43 p.; TNO-report Inro-Transport/2000-05 / 00/NV/017 - ISBN 90-6743-655-0

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