The research and development of M-bag.

Yi, C. Jianbin, L. & Weiguo, W.

The design of M-bag adopts a multi-buffer structure that may decrease gradually the impacting force to human "body" from air bag. There is an inflexion on the impacting acceleration curve of M-bag. Nearby the inflexion, there is a flat buffer area about -15ms and 2-5g. The flat buffer area makes the buffer process of M-bag close to theoretical buffer process. Although M-bag is not full of gas, its maximum g value during the impacting process is less, about 12-20g when the impacting "body" on 36-40kg and velocity 4.85-5.94m/s. M-bag is safe for children, old men and fragile men, and is forceful for protection passengers during the violent impacting process. M-bag is simple in structure. For the covering abstract see ITRD E126782.

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C 34320 (In: C 34286) /91 / ITRD E126816

In: Proceedings of the 6th international symposium and exhibition on sophisticated car occupant safety systems - Airbag 2002 - held Karlsruhe, Germany, December 2002, p. 40.1-40.5

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