Research and discussion on behavioural pre-accident criteria in traffic and working safety in some industrial countries. Initiation Conference and first Workshop of the International Association "ICTCT", Vienna, December 15-16, 1988.

Chaloupka, C. & Risser, R. (eds.)

Traffic Conflicts Technique (TCT) has become an important instrument for traffic safety studies. To study law drivers and other road users behave just before severe conflicts occur will give better understanding of the causes of accidents. This report points out the need for continued traffic safety research, first of all concerning road user interaction and communication and show topical tendencie in the traffic conflicts technique.

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B 30333 /83 / IRRD 829715

Lund, University of Lund, Lund Institute of Technology, Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, 1988, V + 55 p., 73 ref.; Bulletin ; No. 81

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