Research in automobile crashworthiness and occupant protection.

Kidd, E.A.

The author explains that there are three areas of automotive design in which developments can result in a more safeguarding of occupants: (1) the vehicle interior structure; (2) the occupant restraint system; and (3) the structure exterior to the compartment. Developments in the first area can make the immediate accident environment less hazardous for occupant, and developments in restraint systems can reduce the change of them being seriously injured. Developments in the third area can make the vehicle better able to withstand high-speed impacts.

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B 3633 (In: B 3632) /91/

In: Crashworthiness : safety through automotive design : North Carolina Symposium on highway safety, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Spring 1972, p. 1-40, 22 fig., 41 ref.

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