Research on grey roads. Master Thesis Delft University of Technology.

Zhang, F.

This report introduces a method for analysing and improving grey roads. This approach involves the dual principles of flow and exchange functions, in which the needs of all types of users are treated on an equitable basis. The research objective is achieved by exploring various 50km/h distributor roads. Different types of data were collected during the site visits, ranging from intensity to speed and covering the function, design and safety aspects. On the basis of the site visit and empirical data, this study discusses the current level of the flow and exchange functions for 11 road sections, what kinds of problems there are on these grey roads, why these problems occur and how to deal with these grey road problems. (Author/publisher)

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20110694 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Transport & Planning, 2011, XIV + 102 p., 34 ref.

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