Research implementation of the SMART SIGNAL System on Trunk Highway 13.

Liu, H.X. Zheng, J. Hu, H. & Sun, J.

In previous research, the SMART-SIGNAL (Systematic Monitoring of Arterial Road Traffic and Signals) system that can collect event-based traffic data and generate comprehensive performance measures has been successfully developed by the University of Minnesota. In this research, a new set of interfaces are developed for SMART-SIGNAL system including new prototypes of data collection unit (DCU) and refined web-based user interface. To collect high resolution event-based traffic data including both vehicle detector actuation event and signal phase change event, two types of DCUs are designed, the TS-1 DCU and TS-2 DCU for corresponding traffic signal cabinet. TS-1 DCU connects with TS-1 cabinet using pin to pin interface, and the TS-2 DCU interfaces directly with SDLC bus within TS-2 cabinet. The DCUs uses high performance microcontroller modules, and are compact and easy to install. Both DCUs are designed to be vender independent add-on module for traffic cabinet, and can be used as flexible solution to enhance data collection by agencies. The refined web-based user interface features various performance measures to public users, such as Level of Service (LOS), queue length, travel time and intersection delays. The new set of interfaces have been deployed with the SMART-SIGNAL system at 13 intersections along Trunk Highway (TH) 13 in Burnsville, MN. (Author/publisher)

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20130428 ST [electronic version only]

St. Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Research Services, 2013, 38 p. + app., 22 ref.; MN/RC 2013-06

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